Plinder 71
All-round, Swipe, Browse, Call, Verified
Airtripp dating app for Meet singles finding love and find date for flirting
Plinder previewPlinder previewPlinder preview
Aphroditte 72
All-round, Swipe, Call
Find your match with jewelry
Aphroditte previewAphroditte previewAphroditte preview
Beziehungsrausch 73
All-round, Swipe, Call, Videos
We match for you! Dating App,
Beziehungsrausch previewBeziehungsrausch previewBeziehungsrausch preview
Chat Brazil
Chat Brazil 74
All-round, Swipe, Browse, Call
Chat to find friends or find love
Chat Brazil previewChat Brazil previewChat Brazil preview
SeekU 75
All-round, Swipe, Call, Verified
Classic sliding card function, accurate matching of nearby friends
SeekU previewSeekU previewSeekU preview
Sihina 76
All-round, Swipe, Call, Videos
Sihina: Connect, Chat, Meet Sri Lankan Singles, the Dating App for Sri Lankans.
Sihina previewSihina previewSihina preview
Candy Chat - Dating & Chat
Candy Chat - Dating & Chat 77
All-round, Free, Swipe, Call
Match, chat and date to find a relationship or meet friends
Candy Chat - Dating & Chat previewCandy Chat - Dating & Chat previewCandy Chat - Dating & Chat preview
meLove 78
All-round, Swipe, Call, Verified
Find your soulmate, a friendship app for serious relationships & true love.
meLove previewmeLove previewmeLove preview
Ditto 79
All-round, Swipe, Call
Dating. Networking. Effortless connection - chat better with Ditto.
Ditto previewDitto previewDitto preview
XY Finder
XY Finder 80
All-round, Swipe, Call, Videos
XY Finder is designed to start new friendships.
XY Finder previewXY Finder previewXY Finder preview
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