π Top Android All-round Dating Apps (with swipe and verified features)
Dating for everyone

DNA Romance
All-round, Swipe, Verified, Website
DNA Romance forecasts romantic chemistry between people using DNA

All-round, Swipe, Browse, Call, Verified
Airtripp dating app for Like - Crush - Chat - Meet people flirt find love

All-round, Swipe, Browse, Call, Verified
Love, friends, or fun? Find your match. Exciting video chats, dating.

Boom Boom Talk
All-round, Swipe, Call, Verified
A new age Chat and dating app to connect people around the world

All-round, Swipe, Browse, Call, Verified
Meet people, find your love and friends, online dating, chat and video calls

All-round, Swipe, Call, Live, Verified, Website
Have fun and meet people with online dating! Video Call Streaming.