π Top All-round Dating Apps (with browse feature)
Dating for everyone

All-round, Swipe, Browse, Call
raya dating app to chat and meet new people to your home or around the world.

All-round, Random, Free, Browse, Call, Videos
Find, chat and date people & singles nearby to make friends

All-round, Browse
Chat, make friends, and connect instantly with real people from around the world

Only Spark
All-round, Browse, Verified
Chat with local singles and set up your date today. Match, friendship and love.

All-round, Browse, Call
Random video chat with strangers in live cam to cam chat rooms and make friends!

All-round, Browse, Website
Dating for serious relationships: match, chat and meet people around the world!

Sweden Social
All-round, Free, Browse, Videos
Swedish Online Dating Network, Meet & Connect Swedes singles, Unlimited Messages

All-round, Free, Swipe, Browse, Call, Live, Verified, Website
Singles, Chats, Flirts, Dates & Live Streaming - The app to meet people nearby.