RoomYara 51
All-round, Swipe, Call, Verified
Your place to meet Roommates, Friends, or Date.
RoomYara previewRoomYara previewRoomYara preview
Leeloo 52
All-round, Swipe, Call
Dating and chatting without borders. Find new friends or your soul mate
Leeloo previewLeeloo previewLeeloo preview
Aphroditte 53
All-round, Swipe, Call
Find your match with jewelry
Aphroditte previewAphroditte previewAphroditte preview
Guurhalaal 54
All-round, Swipe, Call, Website
This is a matrimonial application for the Somali community at home and abroad.
Guurhalaal previewGuurhalaal previewGuurhalaal preview
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