HUD 11
Casual, Swipe, Call, Verified, Videos
Hookups & Casual Dating. Hook up with fun adults and have NSA meets as you want
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Ur My Type
Ur My Type 12
All-round, Free, Swipe, Verified
Date, make friends, and meet people by personality. Friendship & dating app.
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Zoosk 13
All-round, Swipe, Browse, Call, Live, Verified, Website
For fun online dates - Match, chat & send virtual gifts to singles near you
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LGBTQ, Swipe, Browse, Verified, Videos
Dating-app for LGBTQ+ Man. Match, Meet & Date with Gay, Bi, Ace, Ts, Bear Guys
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Her 15
LGBTQ, Free, Swipe, Verified
Social Network & Dating App for gay, bisexual and queer women. Meet, chat & date
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Luxy 16
Wealthy, Swipe, Browse, Verified
4M+ potential matches, above average. Meet attractive & mature local singles
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Mutual 17
Christian, Free, Swipe, Verified
Find LDS singles like you
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3way 18
Casual, Free, Swipe, Browse, Verified
Dating app for bisexual couples, singles and swingers to match, chat and meet
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iris 19
All-round, Swipe, Browse, Verified
Chat, meet, love, connect with your perfect match using artificial intelligence.
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Smax 20
All-round, Swipe, Browse, Call, Verified, Videos
Β«SmaxΒ» the dating app to get in touch with guys and girls near you
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