GreenLovers 41
Lifestyle, Browse, Videos, Website
The Green Social Network & Green Dating App!
GreenLovers previewGreenLovers previewGreenLovers preview
Lovers 42
All-round, Swipe, Videos
Mobile application for adult dating, meet singles, couples and friends
Lovers previewLovers previewLovers preview
LuckyMe 43
All-round, Browse, Call, Videos
LuckyMe is a free dating app inspired by luxurious casinos. Try your luck now
LuckyMe previewLuckyMe previewLuckyMe preview
Vimes 44
All-round, Browse, Call, Videos
Let's meet! The best way to meet new people and match a couple
Vimes previewVimes previewVimes preview
Afrosmeet 45
Black, Swipe, Videos
Meet worldwide black community from Africa, the West Indies and across the globe
Afrosmeet previewAfrosmeet previewAfrosmeet preview
unlikeany 46
All-round, Swipe, Videos
The video-based Gen Z social app where you instantly feel who has the right vibe
unlikeany previewunlikeany previewunlikeany preview
Chicher 47
All-round, Browse, Videos, Website
JustChill is a social platform helping you to connect with local people.
Chicher previewChicher previewChicher preview
LesbianPlanet 48
LGBTQ, Videos, Website
Social network and dating site for lesbians. The app makes dating fun.
LesbianPlanet previewLesbianPlanet previewLesbianPlanet preview
Shabbat 49
Jewish, Swipe, Browse, Videos
Shabbat and - the worlds largest Jewish Community
Shabbat previewShabbat previewShabbat preview
FetD 50
Lifestyle, Browse, Videos
The kinky dating app for singles and couples who are into BDSM & fet life style.
FetD previewFetD previewFetD preview
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