π Top Free All-round Dating Apps (with swipe feature)
Dating for everyone

All-round, Free, Swipe, Browse, Verified
International dating, make foreign friends, global friendship, language exchange

NewZealand Dating
All-round, Free, Swipe
Looking for Chat App? Connect with New Zealand Dating app to worldwide

Russia Dating
All-round, Free, Swipe
Looking for Dating and Chat App? Connect with Russia Dating app to worldwide

UAE Dating
All-round, Free, Swipe
Looking for Dating and Chat App? Connect with UAE Dating app to worldwide

Global Dates
All-round, Free, Swipe, Call
International dating app: match international singles on our abroad dating app

All-round, Free, Swipe, Browse, Videos
Conoce a tanta gente como puedas cerca y en todo el mundo

Norway Dating
All-round, Free, Swipe
Looking for Dating and Chat App? Connect with Norway Dating app to worldwide

Hello Darling
All-round, Free, Swipe
A new kind of dating app β you choose a bestie and they swipe for you!

Ireland Dating
All-round, Free, Swipe
Looking for Dating and Chat App? Connect with Ireland Dating app to worldwide