Olove 261
All-round, Verified
OLOVE is the first application for creating a family and serious relationships in Uzbekistan
Olove previewOlove previewOlove preview
Face Live
Face Live 262
Random, Call, Verified
facelive is HD video calling application.
Face Live previewFace Live previewFace Live preview
Matilda 263
Asian, Call, Verified
Matilda - Free dating to meet Korean men. Encounters start with women's "likes". Find love, marriage, and friends with the matching app Matilda. Registration is free.
Matilda previewMatilda previewMatilda preview
Maktoub 264
All-round, Swipe, Browse, Verified, Videos
Maktoub is the only Tunisian social media and dating app.
Maktoub previewMaktoub previewMaktoub preview
Top People
Top People 265
Asian, Browse, Verified
Find a friend to have a beer with right away within 30 minutes. You even get a discount! If that person you just passed by is your relationship, contact them through People T!
Top People previewTop People previewTop People preview
LoveBuzz 266
Indian, Swipe, Call, Verified
Find the love of your life, while staying true to yourself.
LoveBuzz previewLoveBuzz previewLoveBuzz preview
LGBT-Space 267
LGBTQ, Browse, Verified, Website
LGBT-Space - the network for queer people
LGBT-Space previewLGBT-Space previewLGBT-Space preview
Chuzy 268
All-round, Browse, Verified
Match, meet with smart people
Chuzy previewChuzy previewChuzy preview
Deutsche Chat
Deutsche Chat 269
All-round, Free, Swipe, Verified
DeutscheLove is German Dating app for singles in Deutschland to chat & date
Deutsche Chat previewDeutsche Chat previewDeutsche Chat preview
MeetFL 270
All-round, Browse, Verified, Website
Meetings in the DOM-TOM, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Guyana
MeetFL previewMeetFL previewMeetFL preview
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