Taimi 1
LGBTQ, Free, Swipe, Call, Verified, Videos
App to meet Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer people. Find a local date
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Newe 2
LGBTQ, Free, Browse, Verified
Hook up Gay Men, LGBT Chat Site for Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgender Singles
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Zoe 3
LGBTQ, Free, Swipe, Verified, Videos
LGBTQ+ Women Dating App. Match, Chat, & Date with Lesbian, Bi, Queer Women.
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Shuggr 4
LGBTQ, Free, Browse
Gay Chat & Dating
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WhiteG 5
LGBTQ, Free, Browse, Call, Videos
All you need for your perfect dating Gays with a ton of amazing features
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Wapo 6
LGBTQ, Free, Browse, Videos
Connect with gay, queer + bisexual men for chat, meeting friends, dating + more!
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LesBeSocial 7
LGBTQ, Free, Browse
Meet bisexual, transgender, queer & non binary women! Join lgbt groups & events.
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Adam4Adam 8
LGBTQ, Free, Swipe, Browse
Adam4Adam A4A - Dating chat app to meet gay men
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GayRoyal 9
LGBTQ, Free, Browse, Videos, Website
The Gay Social Network - Find Gay & Bi Men from all over the world!
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Les 10
LGBTQ, Free, Swipe, Browse
Trusted Social Networking for Lesbian, Bisexual and Queer Women Around the World
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