Badoo 1
All-round, Free, Swipe, Browse, Call, Verified, Videos, Website
Chat and date or make friends! Meeting people is easier than other dating apps.
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Hornet 2
LGBTQ, Browse, Videos, Website
Chat and date more guys nearby
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SayHi 3
All-round, Random, Free, Browse, Call, Videos
Find, chat and date people & singles nearby to make friends
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Europe Mingle
Europe Mingle 4
All-round, Browse, Videos
Online Meet, Make Friends & Date Single Europeans Nearby with Unlimited Messages
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LesPark 5
LGBTQ, Browse, Live, Videos, Website
Community for Lesbians,Meet her, LGBT Women Chat & Live Streaming
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All-round, Browse, Live, Videos, Website
Chat and date singles online globally. Explore fun icebreakers & find your match preview
Just Say Hi
Just Say Hi 7
All-round, Swipe, Browse, Videos
Online Dating App to Make Friends, Find Dates, Match & Meet Local Singles Nearby
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Taimi 8
LGBTQ, Free, Swipe, Call, Verified, Videos
App to meet Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer people. Find a local date
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Zoe 9
LGBTQ, Free, Swipe, Verified, Videos
LGBTQ+ Women Dating App. Match, Chat, & Date with Lesbian, Bi, Queer Women.
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Japan Social
Japan Social 10
Asian, Browse, Videos
Find Your Perfect Match Among Japanese Men and Women to Date, Chat, and Connect.
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