Badoo 1
All-round, Free, Swipe, Browse, Call, Verified, Videos, Website
Chat and date or make friends! Meeting people is easier than other dating apps.
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Hornet 2
LGBTQ, Browse, Videos, Website
LGBTQ Chat, Videos, Gay News
Hornet previewHornet previewHornet preview
AyoNikah 3
All-round, Browse, Call, Videos, Website
Look for a serious partner to reconcile and get married. Find the right life partner.
AyoNikah previewAyoNikah previewAyoNikah preview
LesPark 4
LGBTQ, Browse, Live, Videos, Website
Community for Lesbians,Meet her, LGBT Women Chat & Live Streaming
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GayRoyal 5
LGBTQ, Free, Browse, Videos, Website
The Gay Social Network - Find Gay & Bi Men from all over the world!
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RussianFlirting 6
All-round, Browse, Videos, Website
Russian Dating mobile application with umlimited messaging
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LoveInAsia 7
Asian, Browse, Videos, Website
Asian Dating mobile app with unlimited messaging
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GoMarry 8
All-round, Browse, Videos, Website
The Marriage only App - The best alternative to Dating Apps
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Arasana 9
All-round, Swipe, Browse, Call, Videos, Website
Watch Live Stream, Meet Friends, Voice Call, Video Call, Chat with Strangers
Arasana previewArasana previewArasana preview
BiCupid 10
LGBTQ, Swipe, Browse, Call, Verified, Videos, Website
Chat and Meet Local Bi, Gay, Lesbian, Trans, Queer, and Poly Singles & Couples.
BiCupid previewBiCupid previewBiCupid preview
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