Germany Social
Germany Social 61
All-round, Browse, Videos
Connect & Make friends with German Singles Worldwide, Unlimited Chat Messages
Germany Social previewGermany Social previewGermany Social preview
Sociable 62
All-round, Call, Live, Verified, Videos
Meet People, Live Streams, Live Video Chat, Play Online Games
Sociable previewSociable previewSociable preview
Kismia 63
All-round, Swipe, Browse, Website
Dating for singles. Meet lonely people nearby online. Find your match here!
Kismia previewKismia previewKismia preview
WorldTalk 64
All-round, Browse, Call, Verified, Videos
Date and video chat with foreigner from more than 180 countries around the world
WorldTalk previewWorldTalk previewWorldTalk preview
Kindrii 65
All-round, Browse
Brand new way to make friends
Kindrii previewKindrii previewKindrii preview
France Social
France Social 66
All-round, Browse, Videos
Online Dating Chat app for French Single Men & Women to Connect, Meetup, Hangout
France Social previewFrance Social previewFrance Social preview
2Steps 67
All-round, Free, Swipe
Real meet up, date and chat
2Steps preview2Steps preview2Steps preview
Match & Meet
Match & Meet 68
All-round, Browse, Website
The serious dating app. Find your match nearby. Match and meet! Chat and date!
Match & Meet previewMatch & Meet previewMatch & Meet preview
Dating Love
Dating Love 69
All-round, Random, Swipe, Call
Live chat with pretty girls around the world
Dating Love previewDating Love previewDating Love preview
yoomee 70
All-round, Swipe, Website
Enjoy meeting local people, it’s never been easier to find dates.
yoomee previewyoomee previewyoomee preview
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